Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My New Camera

Well, from this point on you can expect better quality pictures from us! Chris and the kids got me a new camera for my birthday! I got a Nikon D3000, and it is stinkin awesome! We are having a blast taking pictures with it. My mom and dad were just here for a week long visit, it never seems like we can get enough time to do everything here! We had a blast! We stayed at the Hale Koa Hotel on Waikiki Beach for one night and it was absolutely beautiful, too bad I didn't have the camera to take pictures there! We spent a few days at the beach and lagoons, went black Friday shopping, and enjoyed some yummy food for Thanksgiving! We can't wait to get home for Christmas; only a few more days!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kailee's Ears are Pierced!



You should be able to click on the pictures and make them bigger so you can see them better.

She did great! I was pretty nervous about basically hurting her intentionally, but she only cried for a minute and then she was fine. They look beautiful and she isn't acting like they are tender at all. What a great baby!

Anytime the camera comes out, Carson has to be sure there are some pictures of him! He is too funny! Oh, quick story about my little monster. We went to Dave and Buster's for Chris' birthday last month and luckily I bought two small cakes so we could have one there and one at home on his actual b-day. When I got home with the cakes, my wonderful little one decided he was going to help me by picking up the cake by the top cover and dropping it top down in the truck! Funny now, but really not funny then!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kailee Can Crawl!

Slow and steady, but Kailee is a crawler! I'm not sure we are ready for another mobile child, but there's nothing we can do about it now! Three days ago she started crawling and she stood up in her crib all in the same day! Crazy and Awesome all in one! Carson is getting so big, talking in full sentences and happy all the time. Oh, and loud too! Love it! Everything else is great. Chris is about to finish one set of classes and start another, so we are staying super busy. I just started psychology, so we will see how that goes! Miss you all!

Carson actually fell asleep before bedtime watching Curious George. That sure doesn't happen often!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Carson Playing with Kailee

Just a couple of pictures and a video of Carson playing with Kailee. He had just woken up from a nap but he was keeping himself and her entertained for a while! We went to the beach today and had a blast. Carson is getting so big. He loves the waves and building and smashing sand castles! Especially the smashing part. Kailee is starting to spin in circles when she lays on the floor and she is sitting up really well. More updates to come! Miss you all!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Some Pictures of Kailee

Kailee is starting to sit up some on her own and she has been sleeping in her own room now for a couple weeks. Carson is doing very well with her, he likes to feed her when she gets to eat baby food.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to the Coast Guard

Today we went to the Coast Guard day event at Barbers Point Air Station. They had a HC 130 Hercules and a HH-65A Dolphin Helicopter on display. Carson enjoyed flying them and was excited because they are like the toy ones he has at home. Below are some picture, we forgot the camera so I had to use my phone, sorry if they are a little blurry.

Carson looking out the window in a HC 130.

Then he went to the helicopter and got to sit in the front and back seats.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Texas Trip

We went home to Texas at the beginning of the month. These are a few pictures from our trip.

Since it was so hot about the only thing we could do during the day was swim.

One of Chris's friends and his family came to spend a few days with us at the ranch. This picture is of Carson and Laura playing on the tractor.

Kailee got to go on her first John Deere ride, an experience everyone should have in their life.

The temperatures were very HOT!! I think it was above 100 degrees just about the whole time we were there. Kirsten's parents got a fun blow up slide for Carson to play on, I think the adults had as much fun on it as the kids did.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Grammy, Grampy, and Uncle Cameron

Welcome to Hawaii!! We didn't get a picture of Grampy in his aloha gear!

We went to the Sea Life Park on Tuesday and got to swim with dolphins! It was amazing!

Chris and his dad went deep sea fishing on Thursday and caught this ono (sounds like oh no, haha) That name cracks me up!

Then we went shallow water fishing on Friday and April got to watch Carson and Kailee! It was awesome, Tammy and I were the big winners! AMAZING EXPERIENCE!

Happy Fourth of July! We walked about 3 blocks distance from the house to Sills Field here on the base and spent the day at the fair, then watched Kansas perform, and fireworks! The kids had a blast, Carson loved the loud stuff! They did a cannon blast for each state. I was already home with Kailee by the time they started but I could hear it loud and clear from the house even with the windows closed. Chris said Carson loved it, the noise didn't scare him at all, he just kept laughing and saying "WOW"

Waikiki Beach on Sunday, we went to breakfast at the Hale Koa then hung out at the beach for a while. Chris got a good sunburn on his back!

Everyone went to the Dole Plantation today (Monday) while I was at work.

The trip was awesome, we were so happy they came! We leave for Texas in two days! YAY!