Friday, April 10, 2009

It's Been A While!

Ok everyone, sorry! We know it has been a while! It has been so busy, we went to Texas and got to see lots of family. We have been home for a bit over a week now, and we are already having withdrawls. Kailee is still really happy, she has really started smiling and cooing a lot more. Carson is really good at ignoring her, but every once and a while he will walk over and hold her hand or give her a kiss. Here are some pictures and videos from the past month.

Don't pay attention to the dates!

My Family, this was the first time in a while all three kids were home at the same time. We suprised my parents, they didn't know my little brother was going to be coming!

My sister Kathryn with Kailee

My brother Blake who just got orders to Italy! He can't wait to drive a mini cooper and meet Italian women! HAHA! He is excited!

Carson spent so much time in the barn, he loved climbing the stacks of hay.

Chris' Grandpa Evans

That boy really loves tractors, we couldn't keep him off of it!

We got a Kailee's five generation picture with Chris' side of the family!

Carson had so much fun with his Uncle Cameron, we got to help celebrate his 7th birthday!

Tammy and I took the kiddos to this really neat play place with all sorts of different bounce houses. It was great, they really burned some energy!

We got to spend some time at the lake with Chris' mom, sister, Grandpa, and nephew.

Here is a little video of Kailee, she has already changed so much!