Monday, July 6, 2009

Grammy, Grampy, and Uncle Cameron

Welcome to Hawaii!! We didn't get a picture of Grampy in his aloha gear!

We went to the Sea Life Park on Tuesday and got to swim with dolphins! It was amazing!

Chris and his dad went deep sea fishing on Thursday and caught this ono (sounds like oh no, haha) That name cracks me up!

Then we went shallow water fishing on Friday and April got to watch Carson and Kailee! It was awesome, Tammy and I were the big winners! AMAZING EXPERIENCE!

Happy Fourth of July! We walked about 3 blocks distance from the house to Sills Field here on the base and spent the day at the fair, then watched Kansas perform, and fireworks! The kids had a blast, Carson loved the loud stuff! They did a cannon blast for each state. I was already home with Kailee by the time they started but I could hear it loud and clear from the house even with the windows closed. Chris said Carson loved it, the noise didn't scare him at all, he just kept laughing and saying "WOW"

Waikiki Beach on Sunday, we went to breakfast at the Hale Koa then hung out at the beach for a while. Chris got a good sunburn on his back!

Everyone went to the Dole Plantation today (Monday) while I was at work.

The trip was awesome, we were so happy they came! We leave for Texas in two days! YAY!


Kary said...

These picture are great! It looks like everyone had so much fun, and Carson's hair is so curly - wow! Have a great time in Texas - I'm jealous :).