Sunday, December 17, 2006

One day after the due date and Carson is still waiting to join us in person. We are waiting anxiously for him to decide to arrive!


cm8183 said...

How cute!!!! Sure hope he stops staying comfy in there and decides he wants to see the world....

♥Brookie♥ said...

Hi Kirsten it' me Brooke love the belly my 5th grade teacher looks like you.

Unknown said...

Awwww, I can't wait for my little nephew. He's going to be the cutest baby ever! Hang in there Kirsten, you are such a cute little prego!

art5121 said...

Patience is a virtue, but our virtuousness is about to fly out the window while we anticipate the coming of our newest angel. Until then, our prayers are with you safe, warm, and happy!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have finally arrived! Can't wait to see you along with your mom and dad. Hurry and come home to Texas. I love you........Grammy