Monday, December 25, 2006

He's finally here!

Carson Paul Atteberry was born on Dec. 24 at 8:26 p.m.
Weight: 8 pounds, 1 ounce
Length: 21 inches

More pics to come!


Anonymous said...

Kirsten & Chris,
Carson is the most beautiful baby I've seen in a long time! You are very lucky parents! I hope he is as quiet as he is precious! (Maybe you'll get lucky and get a Caden and not a Brendan!) Ask Grandma Patty and Grandpa Jerry about it -- they'll tell you! I sure wish I was there to see him in person.

Best of health to all of you!
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

You are so beautiful and I am so proud of all of you!!! What a wonderful family. Carson, you are such a welcome addition! Enjoying the pictures!!
Love, the Or. auntie

♥Brookie♥ said...

Hi Kirsten and Chris,
Carson is such a cutie. I can't believe you have finally had a baby. I am so very proud of you and I love you all including you Carson. HEHE! Anyway Bunches of Love,
Brookie: )