Thursday, January 28, 2010


Sorry for the Confusion! The little guy you see running in and out of view is Carson's friend Julian.

Well, we have been slacking in the blog department lately! SORRY! Things are going really well here. Chris will finish with his BA in July or August so he is hard at it with schoolwork and the kiddos. Carson turned three last month and he is getting so big! He is getting smarter and smarter everyday. We finally found a church we love, Mililani Baptist Church, and he gets to go to Sunday School while we are at new members meetings and in church so he is having a blast. He keeps telling us that he wants to go to school everyday. They get to make crafts and sing songs and play so he has a blast. Kailee is already about to turn one! It is so crazy how fast time goes by! She took her first steps a few weeks ago, but up until today she had only taken two or three at a time. We all know how much she loves to eat, so leave it up to us to tease her with food to get her walking! We were so happy to finally get it on camera. She is going to be running around before we know it. We need to start planning her birthday party but we have to figure out what to do for a girl first :) We were thinking pink John Deere, but our neighbors don't like that idea for some reason! I guess we can leave John Deere for Carson, at least until she gets a little older. What can I say, our family can't resist it, tractors are just cool! She has also started waving hi and bye a lot in the past few weeks. We discovered two molars came through on the top also, so she is just making leaps and bounds this month! I have also had a big month. We had our unit Christmas party as soon as we got back from Texas and while we were there, they announced that I received Enlisted Person of the Year for our unit! I have had to work a lot of extra hours this month due to unit inspections, but those are finally overwith and everything has really calmed down so I am finally getting to relax and take a few days off to spend with the family and let Chris relax at least a bit! We hope ya'll are doing well! We miss all of you!