Sunday, July 22, 2007

A Few Pictures

The weather has been ok the last few weekends, so we have gone for a couple of hikes. Carson loves to be outside, he makes noise until he falls asleep in his carrier. We have brought our dogs and they get so tired that by the end you are having to push them to keep going, then they get home and sleep the rest of the day. Carson loves to stand in his crib, and he has started to let go of the side and stand for just a second and catch his self before he falls.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pulling Up!

Wow, how time is flying! We cannot believe how fast Carson is reaching milestones! He is stuck on pulling up in his crib every time we put him in there now. I don't know if he will ever fall asleep again! He has started getting into position to crawl, but the rocking hasn't started yet. I think we have at least a little while before that starts! I am sure it will sneak up on us also. Chris has been ready for the crawling stage since I was about 3 months pregnant, so the cabinets are all locked up. I am sure there are going to be all sorts of fun things for him to get into though. Dog water, food bowls, stereo knobs! We are excited to see what is to come.